Monday, 2014-01-13

--- Day changed Mon Jan 13 2014
kupocould anyone point me to the most recent FFOS files?04:24
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@juicemekupo, There was something put up by roxma if I remember correctly, byt that's an expired link. I think you can compile the whole image yourself pretty easily, at least I was told so but I have not tried it myself yet...07:32
kupoahh too bad07:33
@juicemeI might have a go at that if I get some time...07:33
@juicemethere were 2 different ways to do that, one running with nitdroid-based middleware and one on bare metal, if I understood the description correctly.07:34
kupoyea i think by the time I returned to the jolla instructions the FFOS link was dead07:35
kupoyea Ive found that confusing too07:35
kupowhat does the B2G bit mean?07:35
@juicemeboot-to-gecko :)07:39
@juicememeaning, the browser is the OS, I suppose...07:39
@juicemeI don't know really what it loks nowdays, has it changed a lot since I tooka a ppeek at it sometime last autnum.07:40
@juicemeon N9 it is pretty much a proof-of-concept stage, IMHO :)07:41
kupojuiceme: what is nitdroid then?07:44
@juicemenitdroid is the android port on N907:46
kupowait! I can run android on my n9?07:51
kuposince when?>07:51
@juicemesince from the real start I'd say :)07:53
@juicemeIt was done already for N900 :)07:54
@juicemeyou never tried that, no?07:54
kupoI really would like to though07:55
@juicemeSome considerations, voicecalls, camera, GPS, etc does not work on it.07:55
@juicemeBut WLAN and 3G data is okay07:55
@juicemeand it does run android games pretty good07:56
@juicemeit's much better put together than FireFOxOS, I'd say.07:56
kupoah that stinks a bit07:57
kupocamera is one of the nice things about the n907:57
@juicemewell, the problem with GPS is that it has propriertary interface, not reverse-engineered yet. Camera might be doable easily if somebody just put time to it. same with voicecalls, it's mainly some codec-related things that are not ready yet.07:58
kupothats always the run08:01
@juicemewhen things are done by people on their spare time as a hobby some bits are going to be unfinished until there's someone who feels so pissef off by a feature that he does it himself :)08:03
kupoyeap I'm familiar08:09
kupoanyhow gn08:10
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