Friday, 2014-01-03

--- Day changed Fri Jan 03 2014
-!- amonk [~amonk@unaffiliated/amonk] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]01:26
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-!- Fotix [~Fotix@] has joined #ubiboot07:27
Fotixhi juiceme. i repackaged the CPIO.and tried to slim it. i think it i named it the Artic as it is the place i want to go. Here is the url :!BJJEQYTI!GC3wCFDH8Sq8jMu_tg5qogZ8kq8QtTeDruxyQJGlfXA07:50
Jonnijuiceme: semmonen tuli mieleen, että mulla on 001 vanilla, kuten varmaan sullakin, voihan olla että noi 8 megan tyypit ei flashaakaan vanillaa (joka on tietenkin niiden omaa tyhmyttä).11:01
Jonnikun voi olla että joissa varianteissa on eri partitiotaulu11:01
Jonnijolloin tarvittaisiin joku slim versio ubibootista.11:01
juicemeJuurikin tuli sama mieleen eilen :)12:24
valdur55juiceme: can you speak estonian ?12:25
juicemeoon tässä tehnytkin sellaista josta rapsin pos kaikki yölimääräiset kivat, eli ssh:n dhcp:n ynnä muut12:25
juicemevaldur55, not really, I only know a few words :)12:25
juicemeSometimes I just lapse to speaking finnish here with Jonni :)12:26
juicemevaldur55, are u from Estonia?12:27
valdur55yes :)12:36
valdur55and live in Tartu12:39
juicemeI have visited Tartu once... something like 4 years ago if I remember correctly :)12:40
juicemebeen in Tallinn much more, at least 5 times12:40
valdur55yea :) Tallinn is closer.12:51
Fotixit seems that you are all from Europe. Only I am Asian.13:11
juicemeFotix, there are few people around who are from southeast-asia, but as far as I know, you are only one from China :)13:19
FotixI treat it as  honor :)13:20
juicemeFotix, I had no chance to try the "Arctic" version yet, as I have my N9 not with me now today :)13:21
juicemeyes :)13:21
Fotixit is ok. i am learning the .sh in menu since chinese guys want a tripble-boot version with nitdroid13:22
juicemeThat would be also a good version, yes.13:23
Fotixnow i really realize how important to know more about coding.13:23
juicemeWhen you check the scripts, you can see that easiest way to modify the top menu (menu with picture icons) is to set the unused icons to "blank" and comment out the lines in the mapfile that generates the button presses... :)13:24
juiceme(it is the file called
juicemeThe format of the map file is quite simple, and it is documented in the comments in the file.13:26
Fotixyes.i made it. but i want to know what is the difference between the old version and the Sailfish version.13:27
juicemeAlso, you notice when you check that the animation script, a similar "mapfile" is created on-the-fly by the script any time there is need for user interaction to touchscreen.13:27
juicemeyes. The sailfish version comments out all but 2 menu entries, and changes them so that menus 1 and 5 are used. (the sequence goes 1-2-3-4 down the right side, then 5-6-7-8 down the left side)13:28
juicemekind like chinese writing direction, really :)13:29
FotixI noticed that. And i found .sh files added some codes. and was trouble with them.13:33
Fotixnow i get you. Even without changing the .sh files, I can do it. RIght ?13:34
juicemeyes, it is doable without changing the .sh :)13:35
FotixProgramming is so colourful, I am getting interest in it now. In fact iI am just the guy who was learning Phisics in the university.13:38
juicemeProgramming can be an artform, you can express yourself on doing it :)13:39
FotixI have question not about ubiboot! I am curious that do all the people in Europe have Christmas? We chinese have Spring Festival. And now more and more guy want the Christmas to be the Public Holiday.13:45
juicemeWell most of Europe have Christmas, even for people not in Christian religion as it is traditionally the Midwinter Festival. 13:47
juicemeIn Russia, for example the holidays are Midwinter/New Year celebration as the type of religion they have is havinn Easter as the Christian Holiday, not Christmas.13:48
juicemeBut in most of the world I think there is no specific religious signature to it, just festival :)13:49
FotixI know Russia has many good programmers such as coderus.13:50
juicemeyes :)13:50
FotixI think the reason of that is their winter is too cold, and people all stay home keeping their finggers jumping on the keyboard to be warm.13:52
juicemethat could be the reason, yes. :P 13:53
juicememaybe the same thing can be said of finnish programmers :)13:53
juicemealtough, this year it is all but too cold here... outside it is raining and it is water, not snow as it should be :/13:54
valdur55:( i can't go skining ;(13:54
valdur55skiing * or what a ever...13:55
Fotixwarm day here in Suzhou (Soochow) XD13:55
juicemesame here... I was up in the northern finland over the new-year, visiting my parents...13:55
juicemeand even there, there was no snow to speak of :(13:56
valdur55In childhood I lived in Otepää ( Nuustaku )  and there is Tehvandi :)13:56
juicemevaldur55, yes, I know it, but never been there. 13:57
valdur55 :D13:57
juicemein Tallinn there-s a ski-shop called SurfHouse (if I remember correctly) amnd I talked with people there who go to Tehvandi13:57
juicemeFotix, you are from Suzhou?13:58
juicemeI almost went there once, there was an expat position oen but I was not chosen13:58
FotixYeah. Nice place.East Vnice13:59
juicemebut I have been in Shangahi and Hangzhou :)13:59
FotixJust next door.13:59
juicemeyes. I met with some Suzhou people while I was there.13:59
juicemeThere used to be a Nokia base-station factory there, baybe still is? 14:00
valdur55no snow, no people in otepää.... :) ok, natural snow is not needed, but it must be lower than 0°C .14:00
Fotixmaybe not.14:00
FotixNokia in trouble.14:01
juicemeWell, it is not mogile-nokia, but networks-nokia.14:01
juicememobile, I mean14:01
Fotixmaybe healthy here. i am just missing the Mobile.14:02
FotixDo people in Finland all like Nokia very much?14:03
juicemeWell, the management made so many wrong decisions that it was no wonder they finally had to bury the whole company-division.14:03
juicemeYes, it was pretty much important for many people, who even had no association for teh comapny tiself. 14:04
FotixWhat is  guys' attitude to Elop?14:04
juicememr. E is not liked very much here :)14:04
juicemebut he was not the cause of the downfall of mobile, only a symptom.14:04
juicemeIt was a board decision to bring him in, and the agenda was pretty much clear when he started to lead the company.14:05
FotixBe a scapegoat for management?14:05
juicemeI would say so.14:05
FotixMany chinese media say Nokia management only keep14:06
Fotixmoney in their eyes14:07
juicemethat might be true. But there are ways and other ways to run the company, and still have/get money. The decisions made by Nokia board&management wrer maybe short-sighted, not concentrating on the future.14:08
juicemeNeed to be gone for a while... bye.14:46
Jonniolitkos kääntänyt show_png:n itse, tai kopsinut sen vaan jostain?15:20
Jonniahjoo, löysin sorsat, omapfb, ei lohduta hirveästi.17:57
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-!- RzR [~RzR@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]22:30
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-!- amonk [~amonk@unaffiliated/amonk] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]23:56

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