Friday, 2013-05-24

--- Day changed Fri May 24 2013
-!- rikanee [~rika@unaffiliated/rikanee] has quit [Quit: kthxbye]03:15
-!- rikanee [~rika@unaffiliated/rikanee] has joined #ubiboot05:38
-!- rikanee [~rika@unaffiliated/rikanee] has quit [Quit: kthxbye]05:44
-!- rikanee [~rika@unaffiliated/rikanee] has joined #ubiboot06:16
rikaneejuiceme: ping11:56
@juicemewuff! finally managed to get coparative boot logs out of 2 different N9 devices...15:30
@juicemeand boy do they look dofferent!!15:30
@juicemeand now I have a clue on why the 1603 devices misbehave...15:31
@juicemerikanee, pong15:32
rikaneejuiceme: what's different about the 1603's?15:34
@juicemerikanee, i've been busy today but hopefully will bo online later... am n15:36
rikaneejuiceme: alright, see ya later15:36
@juicemeam now 15:36
@juicemebad cellular reception :(15:36
rikaneejuiceme: hopefully Jolla listens and puts an exposed USB PHY on the Other Half15:37
@juicemerikanee, there is lots of differnce even as both are PR1.3 starting up the same kernel15:38
rikaneejuiceme: wait, isn't NOLO for both devices also the same?15:38
@juicemerikanee, yes, and a _proper_ serial for debugging :)15:39
rikaneejuiceme: how about leave one of the USB PHY as USB serial, toggled by a RD flag?15:39
@juicemeIf the devices art same PR level, i'd guess NOLO is same?15:40
rikaneehmm, it'd be weird that two devices that would have mostly, if not all the same components to start differently.15:40
@juicemethat would be good too15:41
rikaneeNokia rarely, if ever sells that many HW revs as final revs, so I suspect that some older-rev devices are protos that were branded "good enough".15:42
@juicemeI' ll post logs later, when i get near compter. had to leave in a hurry :)15:42
rikaneealright, see ya, juiceme.15:42
@juicemesee ya15:43
@juicemehiya, back :)18:29
@juicemeNow here's some logs finally: 1.) from my own 1501 device, this works allways:
@juicemefrom a colleagues 1603 device, a failure due to "battery Connect Error":
@juicemefrom a colleagues 1603 device, a successful boot (happens RARELY with this device)
@juicemeJonni, anything mking sense? :)18:32
@juicemeI can see that the failure is caused by BME socket not being there... the DSME WDD thread seems to die for some reason18:34
@juicemeAnd before that, something goes bad with the watchdog:18:37
@juiceme[   24.988830] twl4030_wdt twl4030_wdt: Unexpected close, watchdog still running!18:37

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