Saturday, 2013-03-30

--- Day changed Sat Mar 30 2013
-!- TMavica [] has joined #ubiboot02:26
-!- TMavica [] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]04:07
@juicemethedead1440, nope I did not upload it yet but maybe I'll have the first version out today09:33
thedead1440morning to you too juiceme; how did your skiing go? Any broken bones? :p09:40
@juicemeNo bones broken :)09:41
@juicemesoon we'll go out again, just debating which way to go, there's few hills nearby...09:41
thedead1440ah that's cool09:42
@juicemeStill, am a bit jealous to a friend/colleague who lives in check republic... (visits us sometimes here in finland)09:43
@juicemehe has the alps just 150km drive away from where he lives...09:44
thedead1440they have better hills?09:44
thedead1440ah that's bloody nice09:44
thedead1440for such distances you can go unplanned anytime and enjoy09:44
@juicemeour hills are max. 400m altitude or so here :(09:44
@juicemeyes, they often go just for day's skiing outings to the worlds most famous sites...09:45
@juicemeand even though I have been doing downihill skiing, both skis and board forever, I have never been to alps on winter :(09:46
thedead1440hehe still you are luckier as you have snowy-hills; some like me have to go to other countries just to experience snow ;)09:47
@juicemehmm yes, skiiing in Singapore, more like water-skii'ing, right?09:48
thedead1440hehe yes09:48
thedead1440or our artificial snow park09:48
@juicemebut you have better watersport possibilities, like diving, right?09:49
@juicemewhat's the snowpark like?09:49
thedead1440its just like an amusement centre with snow09:50
thedead1440not as great as the one in Dubai but acceptable if you just want to be in snow for a few hours09:51
@juicemeyes, it just has to be like that in warm countries. Not bad :)09:51
@juicemeYou know what this reminds me of, in germany near Berlin there's a all-year-around waterpark called tropical islands :)09:52
@juicemeits a Zeppelin-hall avout half a kilometre long and 100m or so highh :)09:53
thedead1440haha role-reversal :D09:53
@juicemeyes, thats what people do, always trying to do things in places not meant for it :) :)09:53
thedead1440indeed human nature is weird09:54
@juicemejust a clip from yesterday:
@juicemebut now we need to go, so see ya later :)10:22
thedead1440see ya ;)10:22
-!- RevDNS_ [] has joined #ubiboot15:59
RevDNS_juiceme: Hello, are you there?16:00
@juicemeRevDNS_, hi21:44
@juicemeBeen off skiinig whole day :)21:45

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