Thursday, 2022-03-17

--- Day changed Thu Mar 17 2022
-!- ilmanowar [~ilmanowar@2a02:cb80:403f:3269:cc25:8efc:1579:b9bd] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]00:33
-!- joerg [~saturn@user/joerg] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]07:36
-!- joerg [~saturn@user/joerg] has joined #maemo-meeting07:36
-!- macros_ [] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]07:38
-!- macros_ [] has joined #maemo-meeting07:40
-!- macros_ [] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]13:27
-!- Fellfrosch [] has joined #maemo-meeting17:15
-!- Fellfrosch [] has quit [Client Quit]17:16
-!- macros_ [] has joined #maemo-meeting18:50
-!- halftux [] has joined #maemo-meeting18:54
halftuxHi all18:55
macros_Hi halftux :)18:55
-!- macros_ [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]19:02
@juicemeHi halftux, macros_19:02
reinobhi there :)19:02
@juicemehi reinob19:02
@juicemehow's your health?19:03
reinobI'm OK. One of the few who still hasn't ever tested positive, so it must be a good thing :-)19:03
@juicemeI'm recovering from Covid, got positive result in test last week after getting severe flu symptoms19:04
@juicemenow much better already19:04
reinobOh. But happy to hear you're doing better19:04
@juicemethough I have 3 shots which must help at least somewhat19:04
@juicemegood thing is I didi not have any fever/temperature, only muscle aches and flu symptoms19:05
reinobthat's what they say. I also have the 3 shots, but still try to dodge the virus if I can. If only to prevent my children (who also have the 3 shots) from testing positive, which is then a real problem in the school (if you take school seriously, that is :)19:05
halftuxWelcome reinob19:12
-!- macros_ [] has joined #maemo-meeting19:14
reinobdid you guys see the e-mail from peterleinchen? is proxy voting allowed?19:15
halftuxhe must attend the meeting will look now in the e-mail19:17
macros_We have nothing to allow it in the bylaws, so no proxy voting19:17
macros_(and even if I would question the legality in Germany)19:17
@juicemebylaws §9 General Assembly (8) says: "An active member can be represented by another active member in the General Assembly by written authority, however no member may represent more than 5 members."20:06
macros_Sorry I missed that20:06
@juicemeThat is in german version as "Ein aktives Mitglied kann sich aufgrund einer schriftlichen Vollmacht in der Mitgliederversammlung durch ein anderes aktives Mitglied vertreten lassen, jedoch darf kein Mitglied mehr als 3 Mitglieder vertreten."20:07
macros_So I guess it should be ok for an e.V. 20:07
@juicememacros_, yes :)20:07
@juicemewhich is kind of funny because the german version says 3 representations per member, and english says 5.20:08
@juicemebut the german is definitive so in case of discrepancy we go by it20:08
macros_Thats a common error in the translation I noticed today also council is with 5 in English with 3 in German, good that the German version is binding ;)20:09
reinobwell spotted guys. at least then we can consider peterleinchen to be present, and Jussi can vote for him.20:13
macros_Just researched and says proxy voting is ok for board elections if noted in the bylaws, so we are fine.20:13
reinobthanks, macros!20:14
-!- chem|st [] has joined #maemo-meeting20:18
chem|sthey folks!20:24
sicelohi chem|st 20:24
halftuxhi chem|st nice that you joining20:26
reinobhey chem|st!20:31
reinobso, we're 7 and it's not even 20:00 CET :)20:33
halftuxhow many are 1/3? Is the wiki up to date?20:34
halftuxlooks good then20:35
chem|stPeter gave power of att. to Jussi20:35
reinobyup, we're 6+1 if I'm counting right20:36
macros_And I am fairly certain we will be more20:37
reinobMissing (yet): Wikiwide, mosen, joerg, eekkelund, rZr, fellfrosch, ilmanowar, warfare (is low_ a member?)20:37
chem|styes low is20:38
reinobgreat, is she attending?20:38
chem|sti guess so20:38
chem|sti will remind her 5 minutes20:40
reinoband according to my list there's also seven "dormants": shawking, nieldk, sjefferson, ryan, paulmcgcarlin, twilight123, absicz. Peterleinchen is luckily not dormant anymore, at least for today via Jussi..20:41
chem|sttwilight123 is on AU time iirc20:42
siceloreinob: how do you determine dormancy?20:43
reinobnope, just by looking at the e-mails from Jussi to all members, the nicks (actually, e-mail address wi/o domain) of those who never answer or never show up..20:46
reinobtwilight123 is Estel if I'm not wrong?20:46
chem|stah then not AU time20:47
reinobAU is Oksana/Wikiwide IIRC20:48
siceloreinob: well absicsz does reply and show up. it's me20:48
reinoblol sorry. I hadn't linked e-mail to IRC nick in your case until now :) THANKS!20:48
chem|streinob: you do not have the memeber chart?20:49
reinobnot that I'm aware of. I guess you and Jussi must have the one source-of-truth membership list..20:50
chem|stthe list of all members has IRC registration nicks to verify20:50
chem|sti will check in my backups20:51
chem|stI forwarded everything in 201720:51
-!- Fellfrosch [] has joined #maemo-meeting20:51
chem|stas emails were not fwd to me, I cannot tell if there are new members after Ryan20:55
halftuxme, fellfrosch and macros are new members20:55
chem|stand there was no update of nicknames since freenode I guess20:55
reinobthe wiki ( has a list, but I cannot know if that's accurate. halftux and fellfrosch are there, but macros hasn't been added yet.20:56
chem|sthalftux: who did confirm the entry?20:56
halftuxyes jussi20:57
-!- low_ [~Lov_d`Hir@2a02:8108:8440:347c:6d49:1721:bdcf:8ff0] has joined #maemo-meeting20:57
macros_reinob: I am also in the list on the wiki, it seems to be up to date20:57
chem|stmy last list is 201620:57
@juicemeHiya all20:57
Fellfroschhi there20:57
reinobmacros_: your eyes are better than mine. Thanks!20:57
chem|stjuiceme: hi20:57
low_good evening20:57
@juicemeAs far as I know Estel disappeared suddenly some years back and I fear something had happened to him20:58
macros_Hi juice20:58
reinobhi low :)20:58
reinobhi fellfrosch!20:58
@juicemereinob, the list in Wiki is accurate, I have kept it up to date20:58
reinobGreat. Thanks juiceme20:59
halftuxhi low and fellfrosch20:59
reinobI wonder if @joerg will show up. I just /query'ed him, but I don't know..21:00
Fellfroschwe will see21:00
@juicemeOkay. The time is now 20:00 CET and I hammer down the meeting open21:01
macros_As I am fairly new in case anybody wants some quick background on me look here:
joergsorry I can't attend21:02
@juicemewelcome to the General Assembly 2/202221:02
reinobjoerg: pity21:02
-!- ilmanowar15 [~ilmanowar@2a02:cb80:405b:a7f2:9f9:c9c1:6c0c:c5b6] has joined #maemo-meeting21:02
@juicemeI'd like to keep the official part quick as I am not really all that recovered from covid now21:03
sicelojuiceme: sure. i also have somewhere to run afterwards21:03
@juicemeso without further ado, I'd like us to determine if we have quorum.21:04
@juicemeplease state your names for the record21:04
chem|stRuediger Schiller21:04
low_Sarah Schiller21:04
macros_Roger Rösch21:04
ilmanowar15Massimo Leonardo Filograno21:04
reinobBernardo Reino Romero (reinob)21:04
halftuxhalftux - christian weniger21:04
@juicemeJussi Ohenoja, juiceme21:04
FellfroschFellfrosch | Ulrich Müller21:05
siceloSicelo Mhlongo21:05
halftuxjuice you are also for peter here21:05
@juicemeYes, I also have power of attorney for Peter Leinchen21:06
joergno pity. Feel happy I don't confuse you with my suggestions and comments. I obviously can't help in any way. You don't need me21:06
@juicemeso I count 11 present, excluding Joerg21:07
reinobThe name of "Peter Leinchen" is actually Kai Lohff.21:07
@juicemereinob, thanks. I always knew him as Peter21:08
@juicemeSo we have quorum, let's move to next point.21:08
@juicemeWe need chair and secretary for the meeting, any volunteers?21:08
halftuxsince mosen is not here I can do secretary21:09
@juicemeAs I am running for board position, I'd rather not take either of those positions21:10
@juicemehalftux, thanks.21:10
@juicemeI second halftux21:10
macros_I do too21:10
* sicelo too21:10
@juicemeand takers for chairman?21:10
* sicelo nominates reinob perhaps21:11
reinobThanks sicelo. I'm also running for board, but otherwise I'm fine with it. Need some babysitting maybe, as I have no experience21:11
@juicemeIf reinob accepts, he is also runner so I am not sure if it is proper21:11
reinobOK,then better not. We have enough issues to fix...21:12
-!- ilmanowar [~ilmanowar@2a02:cb80:405b:a7f2:cc25:8efc:1579:b9bd] has joined #maemo-meeting21:12
low_i can be chair but you have to babysit me21:12
macros_Thank you low_21:12
@juicemeI second low_21:13
macros_You have my support21:13
@juicemechairing is fairly simple, as we have just one topic to handle21:13
reinobgreat! thanks low, thanks all, and thanks sicelo for your trust in me :)21:13
@juicemeso I will now hand over meeting chair to Sarah Schiller, who should then start by arraging vote for the new board.21:14
low_so what's the mode of voting? first we collect candidates?21:15
@juicemeyes please.21:15
@juicemewe have 4 candidates pre registeres, are there more21:15
low_ok who are the ones preregistered then?21:16
* juiceme is running for board, I am Jussi Ohenoja from Finland21:16
halftuxjuiceme, reinob, halftux, macros21:16
halftuxor real names?21:17
* reinob (Bernardo Reino Romero), from Spain, living in Germany, candidate too for board21:17
* macros_ is running for board, I am Roger Rösch from Germany21:17
halftuxhalftux running for board, I am Christian Weniger from Germany too21:17
low_alright. are there any more candidates or proposals?21:18
chem|stusually no realnames and no emails in the meeting, that is why you need your irc registration updated with the board21:18
low_so what is your point?21:19
chem|stand be logged in to attend21:19
chem|stlow_: just saying21:19
chem|stgo ahead pls21:19
Fellfroschwhat's with juice? Isn't he willing to continue?21:19
sicelohe is running :-)21:20
macros_He is, see message from 20:1621:20
Fellfroschah sorry, stupid question21:20
low_ok. we had eleven people present. who is @ilmanowar15 ?21:21
ilmanowar15Same of ilmanowat21:21
ilmanowar15just another device.21:21
low_ah just double loggin alright21:21
low_so, each person has 3 votes, and i understood jussi had received 3 additional votes from Kai21:22
@juicemelow_, actualy no, just each is voted sepatarely21:23
reinobyes, maybe for the minutes, with e-mail today 17.03.2022 at 15:42 CET "As I cannot take part in the Maemo e.V. GA meeting on 17.03.2022 I hereby declare to hand over my vote to you."21:23
@juicemeso yes/no/empty for easch, and I have 2 votes for each candidate21:23
low_how many slots are in the board of directors?21:24
macros_Actually any number21:24
reinob4 would be OK too21:24
macros_§7(1) The Board of Directors consists of three or more natural persons at least 21 years of age. It shall represent the association legally and extrajudicial.21:24
low_so let's go through each candidate, and then we go yay/nay/abstain and you need to speak up?21:25
low_ok so all in favor of juiceme answer with aye21:27
@juicemeaye * 221:27
low_all against juiceme answer with nay21:27
low_that's noone then21:28
joerg§7(3) Der Vorstand wählt aus seiner Mitte einen Vorsitzenden und zwei Stellvertreter. Hiervon sind jeweils zwei gemeinsam zur Vertretung des Vereins berechtigt.21:28
low_all abstain from voting for juiceme put an X now21:28
reinobjoerg: are you or are you not present today.21:28
low_so that's 10/0/0 aye/nay/abstain for juiceme Jussi Ohenoja from Finland21:29
low_proceeding with reinob Bernardo Reino Romero21:30
low_all in favor of reinob answer with aye21:30
@juicemeaye * 221:30
low_all against reinob answer with nay21:30
low_that's noone then21:31
low_all abstain from voting for reinob put an X now21:31
siceloaye (again, in case it was wrong to aye *before* chairperson requested. sorry)21:31
low_all good21:31
low_so that's 10/0/0 aye/nay/abstain for reinob21:32
low_continuning with halftux  christian weniger21:32
low_all in favor of halftux answer aye now21:32
@juicemeaye * 221:32
low_all against halftux answer nay now21:33
low_that's noone then21:33
low_all abstain from voting for halftux put an X now21:34
low_so that's 10/0/0 aye/nay/abstain for halftux  christian weniger21:34
low_final candidate macros Roger Rösch21:35
low_all in favor of macros put aye now21:35
@juicemeaye * 221:35
low_all against macros put nay now21:35
low_@sicelo wakey wakey21:36
low_all abstain from voting for macros put an X now21:36
low_alright, that concludes 9/0/1 aye/nay/abstain for macros Roger Roesch (w/Umlaut)21:37
reinobcongratulations juiceme, halftux and macros!21:38
sicelothanks :-)21:38
low_so we have 4 elected members of the board. do you accept the vote and the related duties until the next elections?21:38
halftuxand congratz to all board members21:38
macros_congratz as well from me21:38
* reinob accepts the vote and related duties21:38
@juicemethanks, and congrats for the new board!21:38
Fellfroschocngratulations to all 421:39
* macros_ accepts the vote and duties21:39
* juiceme accepts21:39
Fellfroschso if I undestood joerg right,we have not just to elect a boord but as well a director of the board.21:39
halftuxI will accept the vote and all duties21:39
macros_Fellfrosch: The board has to do so21:39
chem|stFellfrosch: no, the board handles itself21:39
siceloFellfrosch: they need to do it among themselves. 21:39
Fellfroscha ok thanx for info21:39
chem|stis there a board channel yet?21:40
halftuxbut this can be done in a board meeting not in GA we can do afterwards because of irgendness21:40
reinobnot that I'm aware21:40
@juicemeyes or at least there was on old IRC21:40
chem|stI' like to attend the meeting incase there are questions21:40
chem|stthere is now21:41
chem|stit needs to be properly registered though21:41
reinobchem|st: I will certainly be happy if you attend (once we have registered it)21:41
chem|st it is #maemo-board21:41
@juicemechem|st, thanks. That will be done with librechat admins21:41
joergI contribute in quoting the lady of AGKL >>wir brauchen hier die korrekten daten der personen *die unterschriftsberechtigt sind*<<21:42
low_ok so there is one final thing I have to ask the general assembly, which is to task the newly elected board, and in particular the to be elected chair and lieutenants21:42
chem|stjoerg, I am well aware and join the board meeting21:42
joergI think it's not appropriate board does silent negotiations21:42
siceloso who can join #maemo-board? 21:43
joergthere is no need for a #maemo-board channe21:43
siceloit's board members only or?21:43
reinobthe board decides who the director is, and who the two delegates are. IIRC.21:43
@juicemejoerg, the board should handle the internal assignments by self, chair, secretary, treasurer etc.21:44
halftuxI am fine with chem|st joining board meeting21:44
chem|stjoerg board meetings are eV puplic, not general public...21:44
low_ok so ....21:44
chem|stsicelo: eV members only21:44
macros_I am also fine with chem|st joining21:44
joergthis meeting is eV public21:44
@juicemejoerg, all meeting minutes will be published anyways21:45
chem|stPG2 of the board bylaws21:45
low_so, just to be perfectly crystal clear:21:45
@juicemeboard internal chat logs need not be public21:45
low_so, just to be perfectly crystal clear:21:45
joergit's outright wrong and weird to drag the discussion about board into a closed channel21:45
low_the newly elected board has two duties now:21:46
chem|stlow please go ahead21:46
low_elect the chair of the board and two lieutenants as legal representatives of the eV21:46
reinobjoerg: I remind you that you chose not to attend this very GA, so I'm not sure what your aim is right now. And I do appreciate you and your opinion, but there are forms and rules.21:47
low_and then ensure that those three register the necessary information with the AG KL within the well-known time frame discussed in our emails21:47
low_good :)21:48
reinobshould be do that NOW, or after the GA?21:48
chem|streinob: after21:48
low_it's perhaps better to wrap this up now21:48
low_so, with the voting conducted, and any conflict of interest out of the way for now, juiceme would you please take over chair of this GA meeting again?21:50
@juicemelow_, thanks21:50
reinobThanks low for handling the voting so well!21:50
* low_ blushes. yw21:50
@juicemethank you Sarah for chairing this meeting21:50
sicelothanks indeed :-)21:50
@juicemeWe have one bullet still, AOB.21:50
halftuxany other buisiness21:51
chem|stjuiceme: the board can change that without the GA21:51
@juicemeThere was mail last week on some changes to agenda but do you think it is still relevant?21:51
siceloAOB: where do we stand at this point with our possible 600eur fine?21:51
@juicemeIt should be avoided if we act quick.21:52
@juicemeand we should have time toi do that21:52
halftuxthere was discussion about dismissal but we don't need21:52
@juicemeyes, not needed21:52
@juicemeand same goes for the proposition to change registration address21:52
@juicemeso, unless there are other matters, I'd end the meeting now21:53
reinobwe could, for clarity, clearly state that the former board directors (except juiceme of course) are dismissed/removed21:53
reinobbut if not needed OK21:53
@juicemenoted in the vote.21:53
@juicemeall startted "fresh"21:53
ilmanowar15then that is all?21:55
low_so I'm looking forward to having normal eV business soon again.21:55
@juicemeso, thank you all for attending this meeting, and fare well!!21:55
@juicemelow_, so do I :)21:55
FellfroschOk guys and girls. If I understood it right, meeting is finished. I wish all a nice evening!21:55
@juicemegood night everybody!21:56
macros_Thanks to everybody paticipating!21:56
-!- Fellfrosch [] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!]21:56
sicelonight, best wishes :-)21:56
ilmanowar15Good night, bye!21:56
-!- ilmanowar15 [~ilmanowar@2a02:cb80:405b:a7f2:9f9:c9c1:6c0c:c5b6] has quit [Quit: Client closed]21:57
reinobThanks all! good night!21:58
-!- low_ [~Lov_d`Hir@2a02:8108:8440:347c:6d49:1721:bdcf:8ff0] has quit [Quit: Leaving]22:17
-!- chem|st [] has left #maemo-meeting []22:51
sicelohalftux: reinob: i guess matrix is better preferred than signal for fossies22:52
sicelothe facebook page chem|st refers to is ?22:54
siceloanyone has an objection? i think a basic showcasing of Maemo Leste on that Facebook page is in order - page is sorely in need of some love. i could help with this task23:01
-!- ilmanowar [~ilmanowar@2a02:cb80:405b:a7f2:cc25:8efc:1579:b9bd] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]23:04
-!- halftux [] has quit [Quit: leaving]23:05

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