Tuesday, 2022-03-01

--- Day changed Tue Mar 01 2022
-!- joerg [~saturn@user/joerg] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]07:54
-!- joerg [~saturn@user/joerg] has joined #maemo-meeting07:55
-!- macros_ [~macros@p200300dcdf179600e9d35ebad91873f7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]07:55
joergI also consider it potentially tricky to extend board from a previous 3 to now 08:25
joerg4 members just based on08:25
joerg(3) Der Vorstand wählt aus seiner Mitte einen Vorsitzenden und zwei 08:25
joergStellvertreter. Hiervon sind jeweils zwei gemeinsam zur Vertretung des Vereins 08:25
joerg(6) Beim Ausscheiden von einzelnen Vorstandsmitgliedern können die Aufgaben 08:25
joergdes ausgeschiedenen Vorstandsmitglieds von den verbliebenen 08:25
joergVorstandsmitgliedern übernommen werden, sofern diese zustimmen. Alternativ 08:25
joergkann sich der Vorstand bis zur nächsten regulären Wahl durch 08:25
joergVorstandsbeschluss aus der Reihe der aktiven Mitglieder ergänzen.08:25
joergwhich both might collide with (extending to) a 4-member board08:25
joerg(3) would require already electing "Vorsitzenden und zwei Stellvertreter" 08:25
joergsince only those are authorized to sign for the eV, two of those three and not 08:25
joergany 4th or fifth board member, as I read that.08:25
joerg(6) would not allow the remaining board to extend beyond what been the board 08:25
joergbefore, then when somebody left the remaining board just replenishes the 08:25
joergvacancies. This doesn't imply appointing a new seat in board as I understand 08:25
joerg*I* have no problem with all this, but I'm afraid that AGKL could come up with 08:25
joergsimilar concerns08:25
joergJFYI. I tried again and I get ignored08:25
joergit seems it's always same person ignoring what we agreed upon and considering eV board as a discussion club. It's not. Board executes what THE COUNCIL decides, they are no more than janitors for the maemo assets and they have no own authority beyond that of any regular active member. I wonder if that one persion understodd what maemo organizational infra is all about and how it works08:31
joergadding a fourth member to board, just to turn the already tedious task of managing eV into a fight club is pretty contraproductive08:35
joergwe already lost a week minimum, thanks to the "help" of said 4th board member08:38
joerg[23 Feb 2022 20:09:01] <joerg> reinob: I've sent the edited version per email, you should ASAP translate it and contact a notary, asking them if this looks ok so far08:42
joerg*today* it seems we are exactly there *again*, just folks ignored *my* email and drafted an own identical one08:43
joergbtw I even resent that email with a draft of mine a *second* time, to all, just in case. Same result08:45
joergnot even a read-notification08:45
-!- macros_ [~macros@p200300dcdf220f004157cf0bea9ceb26.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #maemo-meeting09:10
-!- Oksanaa [~Wikiwide@user/wikiwide] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]10:36
-!- Oksanaa [~Wikiwide@user/wikiwide] has joined #maemo-meeting10:49
-!- mp107 [~mp107@server.mp107.pl] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]12:38
-!- mp107 [~mp107@server.mp107.pl] has joined #maemo-meeting16:33

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